Get Listed on Search Engine of AI (SEOFAI) Database

SEOFAI August Visit Stats

Boost your product’s visibility and attract hundreds of AI users and potential customers worldwide with SEOFAI.


$19.99/One Time
  • Fast-Track (listing Within 24 hours)
  • Enhanced Visibility (Border Highlight)
  • Featured Listing Period (3 Days)
  • Dofollow Backlinks (2 Backlinks)
  • Backlink From Category Page
  • Permanent Presence on SEOFAI
  • Product YouTube/Vimeo Video Integration
  • Schema Support
  • Social Media Links
AI Tool Listing Example
Listing Example

You Will Get:

Fast Track Listing: Your tool will appear featured within 24 hours, bypassing any queue.

Enhanced Visibility: With a border highlight, your listing stands out, making it easy for users to spot and increasing click rates.

Quality Backlink: Crucial for boosting your search engine optimization (SEO) rankings. These links will enhance your visibility on search engines and drive natural traffic to your site.

Permanent Presence: Your tool will stay permanently listed on SEOFAI, ensuring a continuous stream of clicks and subscribers.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Schema Support: Structured data markup to enhance search engine visibility.
  • Video Link: Embed a YouTube/Vimeo product video in your listing.
  • Social Media: Up to two links to your product’s social profiles.

For Basic Listing:
• Name of the tool
• URL of the tool

For Advanced Listing:
• Name of the tool
• URL of the tool
• YouTube or Vimeo video link

Social Media Profiles:
We’ll locate official social media accounts from the product’s website. No need to provide these separately unless you have specific profiles to highlight.

After 24 hours from placing your order, you can search for the name of your tool on SEOFAI search bar, and you will find it listed.

We guarantee a full refund if your AI tool is not published due to our editorial policy. 

If you have any questions, please contact us via email at [email protected] or use our contact form. We’re here to help!

Yes, it is allowed, but it has a different price for listing. Please contact us for the price.